Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Incredibly exciting new blog

Is your life nothing but one giant loose end now that the e-luv blog has curled up and died?
Do not worry. In its place is the very fantastic which features incredibly interesting stories from the grubby online world inhabited by Trevor, the hero of e-luv.
No-one has actually been to the site yet so you'll be the first. Then you can tell all your friends and before you know it, I'll have visitors in double figures.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Exclusive e-luv bonus!

Yes, it's e-luv's first ever rejection letter from HarperCollins in New Zealand. It's dated 10 April 2001, which was apparently the last time I tidied my desk because that was where I found it.
They found the scenario "a bit tacky" and they didn't care for the story.
Quite right, too. It's exploitative pornography of the worst kind.