Sunday, April 08, 2007

The final chapter

With e-luv drifting into the low 200,000s on Amazon and no longer on the shelves of most shops, it seems the right time to bring your favourite blog to an end.
While I have been disappointed with sales, it's been brilliant having a book out and casually dropping into every conversation that I'm a published author.
It's meant I've got another book deal and, at last, an agent. Friday Project have been great to work with and one day, there may well be a sequel - but not yet.
The best part has definitely been the comments people like Timbo, Caroline, Julia, Ms Melancholy, Rex, NWM, the Clares, Debi, Dinah, Fwengebola, Amy, Donna etc have left on this blog. And the emails I've had from the few who read e-luv.
So buy Caroline's book. Buy Biffo's book. But more importantly, if you haven't read it, buy MY book.
There are plenty of copies available.
I'll be trying the blog experiment again with my next book - if you want to know where to find it, email me at and I'll let you know when it starts. As a special bonus, here's a picture of me and Mrs Roberts.
I must go now, before I get too emotional. Bye.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll miss you sweetie. This blog is where 'it' all began for me *sob*

Be sure to let me know when you blog again.

Take care.

2:27 AM  
Blogger Timbo said...

Shit! NOOOOOOO!!!!

Look, you can go if you want, but you had better bloody let me know when you come back again, whenever that might be, or I shall have to hunt you down which, you know, costs money and I'm not made of money, so please don't make me do that.

But I take it Brett is going to be hanging around on MySpaz for a while to come, yes?

Either way, keep in touch.

4:37 AM  
Blogger Dinah said...

If this wasn't April 9th, I would think this was an April Fool's joke.

3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the...isn't that Alan Rickman???

7:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dammit Dave! I picked this up all too late! Well, good luck with Re-Luv.
Although I think you're a double for Alan Ruck with a beard.

12:14 PM  

This is a sad day.
But your wife is still very pretty, and you are still quite nice.
By the way I think I owe you an email. I shall write it forthwith.

3:46 PM  
Blogger Julia Buckley said...

Aw, thanks so much. Hope you come back soon!


1:43 AM  

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