Thursday, September 07, 2006


Hidden at the bottom of this page is one of those stat counter things. It lets me know how many visitors the site has had and, as a bonus, how they came to be here. So, for example, if someone had done a Google search for "nipples", one of my early posts that happened to mention nipples would have led them to this site. It seems an entire continent has gone nipple crazy. In fact, approximately 40% of visitors are (a) American or Canadian and (b) frantically searching the internet for nipples. They care not for e-luv, which I toiled over for months on end. All they want is to see a pair of nipples. And when they don't see any, they leave. Now, I don't like to disappoint people, and I'd like them to enjoy their stay, so if it's nipples you want, I've found a fine pair for you.


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